Thursday 28 July 2011

Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters (Demo) (PC) - Guest Post

Ocean's finally back, and he's found another RPG that might interest you. Click the pics to see a (slightly) larger version.

This game is called Chantelise. Made by the same people who made Recettear. You can download the demo here: and it is available on Steam!

Like Recettear (Recette and Tear), this title is a combination name. "Chante and Elise". Let's see how it is!

So it starts out with some dialogue about how a witch cursed you because you went out on a red moon.

One is unaffected and the other is now a fairy.

Simple battle tutorial by Chante so you can get used to the controls. It's easy enough. Z attacks, X jumps, C casts a spell, V locks onto an enemy, A and S rotate the camera, and W (or E, I forget) opens the menu. That one they didn't tell me so I didn't realize it until later.

Yeah that's the type of person (fairy) she is. Then she goes and demands a reward. Nope, you're not getting 300 Gold or another, just a place to stay and some dinner.

Then you go off and slay everything on the map. You will be doing that a lot. Most doors will require you slay all the enemies before you can proceed. I believe it's a one time thing only, but that still feels like one time too many.

Should have made her a grown up Recette, that'd be a nice tie-in. Well now that you're in town, she lets you sleep in and tells you to talk to people to find out where the witch is.

Then we go and vandalize the town after the NPCs are useless. The item shop girl tells you to go to the fortune teller, but she's out by the ruins. So... off we go!

As you get to more areas, you can go forth. You have practice times as well for you to get more gold. There is no experience in this game, your stats are determined by your equipment. And you need money to buy bottles of Ferromine to increase your max health.

OK so here's our spell list for now! You get more spells later. Basically, you pick up some gems, and you have the fairy cast it. You can double up gems (as long as they're next to each other) for a stronger effect. So the order in which you pick up gems matters.

Went to the next area, and help I'm being chased by bugs! I'm actually pretty worn down at this point. You can't carry any healing items. Some may drop but you use it instantly when you pick it up.

So I had 1 HP and ran back to town. Decided to buy some Ferromin and a Shield so I could last longer. Couldn't afford the gloves yet...

Help, flying eyes! These are actually rather annoying enemies. I didn't mind them much in Recettear but here they fly so you have to jump to reach them, and it's a little harder to avoid their attack especially with multiple enemies.

And now i'm back to 1 HP. I was stubborn and didn't want to trek back to town (and the monsters would respawn anyway) so I just cautiously went forward.

I actually found some healing food, but now I'm in a room filled with enemies. Someone heeeelp!

OK, they can't get me here. Oh, also the dungeon looks different pretty much every floor. So I haven't been to any new place, I'm still in the same dungeon.

So is this the fortune teller I was asked to look for? Well, Chante went and had to make fun of her.

Please don't, forgive my sister she is dumb and a fairy.

And I tried to pull off a screenshot of the boss and go to get away as fast as possible. It worked... for a little bit.

Then I died. I saved before this room but apparently even if you reload, it still takes you back to town instead.

This is a pretty difficult game actually! It's simple to play, but make sure you make use of that magic. There's a demo and it's in English so feel free to try it before getting it in Steam. With the choice of this or Recettear though, I would go with Recettear.

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