Thursday 24 March 2011

Rondo of Swords (DS) - Guest Post

A shiny new guest post from first time contributor Nessiah.

I decided to try out the interesting game, Rondo of Swords.

Nice map but boring text, press start/select to skip gogogogogogogogo.

Yggdra Union deja-vu, we escape since the empire attacked us and completely overthrown us
...then again most kingdom games start like this...

Some dude trying to go on do a noble sacrifice but I bitchslapped him to protect me instead.

Oh...hi there papa *sparkles*

Hey I'm cute:



Then we killed 2 losers:

Yeah! I just killed the other 2 bandits and going nearer:


Dammmnn so many enemy units:

Move move move

what the sh*t:

Great more enemies...and holy crap lag.
And they're getting nearer D:

I didn't know using an item uses a move (I thought so damnit, but then by moving you also waste a turn) and then the wizard bolted me again and another and it hanged for some reason, I assume I died =v=);;;;;

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think this is the worst post. His typing is almost as bad as some of the games you've reviewed. I can see why he's only done one.


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